Well, it's been a bit since we've caught up but here goes a little bit of what is going on now days.
I have resigned my job at Hannibal public schools because I feel the Lord is leading me to Hannibal LaGrange College to be a dorm director. I do not have the job yet and so I suppose am currently jobless. I'm so excited to see how the Lord is going to provide and meet my every need. In this process, He has just shown me so much about HOPE. That, as Piper says, "Biblical hope is not this finger crossing, nail biting, wishful thinking kind of a thing. Hope is the confident expectation that God will." So against man's "better" judgement I am hoping. I am confidently expecting the Lord to bust down the doors of HLG and pave a path for the work He wants me to take part in. This time has come with moments of tremendous fear and moments of peace that surpass understanding. He is molding and shaping me so much during this time. It's so uncomfortable at times but man, I know it's going to be worth it when He is finished.
Also, and I say this only that you would consider praying with me in and through this. My dear friends Shannon and Stephanie Reece are leaving April 12 under the call of Christ to move to Africa indefinitely. Stephanie and I really only got to know each other about 3 months before they left for AL. .Yet somehow within that 3 month span God warp sped our friendship. She is someone that I so greatly admire and turn to for guidance. I recently had the opportunity of going to AL to help them pack up their lives for this adventure. I went with the intention of simply being a help to them but left with so much more than that. SOOO much more. While working with them and simply packing, not that we had these amazing in depth conversations, I mean we really were just packing, I was shown pictures of Kubala Lodge, blueprints of the house, and heard stories of the Lozi people. I left Alabama with the very distinct and terribly real thought that, I, myself, am supposed to move to Africa, to Zambia, to be with these people! Not by any means that I am packing tomorrow, next month, or even next year but just that I am really considering and seeking out this possible calling from the Lord. So, just to clarify, I am not moving to Africa, but I am hoping to visit in December, but rather am praying over and considering this idea of being called. Please pray with me that there would be such sweet clarity and that any fear or doubt would be driven back into darkness. That His purpose would stand gloriously revealed in truth and in light. And more than that, that I would be satisfied simply with Him in the waiting. He does not reveal all to us at once, only that of which we need to take the next step. Pray that I might rest in Him enough to truly trust His perfect timing, His sovereign plan, and to live out this life that He has given me right now for His glory! May I grow ever the more in love with Him is this waiting.