
Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Note To You and The Roaring 20's

Tonight I write from the sweet spot of my bed in pj's I haven't worn in years cause I forget about them. Today, because clothing options were low they emerged to the top. They are sassy and fun enough that I want to wake up in them on my 29th birthday.

In a few short hours it will be my birthday. Nothing will change in the world. People will get up, go to work, and continue on with their routines. I will too. Yet tonight, in my sassy pants, I feel like I'm on the precipice of something gigantic. A good gigantic. Like I'm at the peak of a roller coaster that's been building and all fun is about to break lose. It may be the sugar from all the dough I snuck bites of  talking or I may just be on to something.

Midnight marks the first day of the last year of my twenties. This is a thrilling time. The twenties have held soooo much life in them. And at this moment in time (though it does change regularly) I anticipate with joy, what the 30's will hold. I can't just let my twenties go without giving them a proper farewell though.

So, I was thinking, what if we made a list of the things we love about our twenties! The Roaring 20's if you will. Post in the comment box or on my facebook page and I'll compile the best and some of my own onto a Roaring 20's page. And we can celebrate the life of our 20's before going into the Great Depression of our 30's. :) Just kidding! But wouldn't that be fun!

You can tell us, if you're younger, what you anticipate about your 20's (and we'll laugh at you). If you're older tell us what you loved about your 20's (and we'll cry with you). And if you're living in the midst of them this very moment tell us what you love about them (and we'll nod our heads in agreement with you). Married single, mother, childless, man, woman share away. This could be fun aye?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Reality part 2

I typically like to come to the table with more than this, but today I can muster pj's and a robe. I imagine myself being like some of these other blogging women; posting pictures of my cutest new outfit, writing DIY instructions for the most creative thing I'm making, cooking up recipes and sharing them with you here; all while wearing a sweet dress, glorious flats, awesome jewelry, with well groomed hair, and makeup.

I'm a L-O-N-G way off from that today. My hair is in a pony atop my head with wild curls protruding from every direction, I'm considering not even showering, and I've just eaten leftover pizza for breakfast. Ya, not quiet the same as that overactive imagination of mine painted right?

But I laugh none the less, because the reality is that behind these computer screens are real people, with real lives, that can get real crazy and messy. And the reality is that pictures are taken when people are at their finest, some blogs are written in the wee morning hours in pjs with coffee breath, and no one lives a picture perfect life all of the time.

My reality right now is that ; I'm exhausted from the choices others are making that affect lots of little lives, my father is in the ICU, Cheshire Farm is turning into a mad house, and I'm beginning the last year of my 20's which is a daily roller coaster ride of emotions. I have clean laundry in a basket that's been folded but not put away and another load drying that will most likely sit in there for another few days. I have dishes in the sink that have been rinsed but not washed. And my tub, that refuses to drain correctly, has developed a nice thin soap film. Life is messy right now, alright.

But can I tell you something else? All of those things may be a disaster and slightly depressing but sitting in the hospital room with my dad yesterday, we had the best conversation we've had in my near 29 years of existence. We laughed. I cried. We talked about poverty and oppression and for the first time EVER had a similar view. My heart swells with joy just thinking about it. Then while he was resting soundly in his bed, my mom and I had a great discussion about Hebrews as I shared my bible study with her. And in a few moments I'm going to snuggle up with both off them in a cozy hospital room and watch my birthday movie of choice- You've Got Mail.

The dishes will be there when I come back. The laundry can always be wrinkled released. The tub will have to be cleaned another day. And at least I'll wash my face and brush my teeth. The chaos isn't changing any time soon, but moments like these with my parents are few and far between. So I'm going to savor them, even if they're in hospital rooms because well, this IS my reality. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I think about this place often. Where I let my fingers wonder wherever my mind may go. And I've been thinking about how much I have neglected it, posting maybe once a month, if I can. My rationale is always that once life calms down a bit I'll be more consistent. :) But here's my reality, that maybe the rest of you have already come to grips with, but I am just coming to, life isn't calming down. Nor is there a foreseeable time in which it will. My reality is a little crazy but these are the days I've been given to live within and if I continue to wait until things are calm or typical I'm realizing I will have waited my life away.

My little spot's name is Life Under Grace not Life Under Control. It's wild, messy, and unpredictable which I'm just kind of resigning myself to love. And therefore resigning myself to write about. The days of having time to ponder things and then actually write about them are few and far between if I can even remember the pontifications.

So tonight I just wanted to tell you to watch out for me..., on the roads..., at night..., when it's raining....  Driving home there were moments of white knuckling the steering wheel praying that God would somehow give me eyes to see the lane before me. I have astigmatism that causes my vision to be completely JACKED UP at night with wet roads. I mean, for all I can tell, that stretch of highway is nothing but a mirror reflecting every light, sign, and drop of rain. Lines, that once in day light gave me clear guidelines as to where to drive, disappear and I'm left to guess where they may be based on the lights ahead of me. It's a crazy world I live in when it's raining at night. Things that used to make sense no longer do. Roads I know, now seem like foreign treacherous places. I told you about the time I flooded my engine by driving into a 2 foot puddle didn't I? Depth perception, also apart of those necessary qualities while driving that I lack due to this condition of mine.

All that to say be praying for the money for me to hire a chauffeur for rainy nights, or pray that God sends some awesome guy with fantastic vision day and night (not night vision cause that would be strange) to drive us home in these events, or encourage me to go ahead and chat with a doctor about getting glasses to help correct it because it's dangerous to me, to you, and to them- whoever they may be.