I think about this place often. Where I let my fingers wonder wherever my mind may go. And I've been thinking about how much I have neglected it, posting maybe once a month, if I can. My rationale is always that once life calms down a bit I'll be more consistent. :) But here's my reality, that maybe the rest of you have already come to grips with, but I am just coming to, life isn't calming down. Nor is there a foreseeable time in which it will. My reality is a little crazy but these are the days I've been given to live within and if I continue to wait until things are calm or typical I'm realizing I will have waited my life away.
My little spot's name is Life Under Grace not Life Under Control. It's wild, messy, and unpredictable which I'm just kind of resigning myself to love. And therefore resigning myself to write about. The days of having time to ponder things and then actually write about them are few and far between if I can even remember the pontifications.
So tonight I just wanted to tell you to watch out for me..., on the roads..., at night..., when it's raining.... Driving home there were moments of white knuckling the steering wheel praying that God would somehow give me eyes to see the lane before me. I have astigmatism that causes my vision to be completely JACKED UP at night with wet roads. I mean, for all I can tell, that stretch of highway is nothing but a mirror reflecting every light, sign, and drop of rain. Lines, that once in day light gave me clear guidelines as to where to drive, disappear and I'm left to guess where they may be based on the lights ahead of me. It's a crazy world I live in when it's raining at night. Things that used to make sense no longer do. Roads I know, now seem like foreign treacherous places. I told you about the time I flooded my engine by driving into a 2 foot puddle didn't I? Depth perception, also apart of those necessary qualities while driving that I lack due to this condition of mine.
All that to say be praying for the money for me to hire a chauffeur for rainy nights, or pray that God sends some awesome guy with fantastic vision day and night (not night vision cause that would be strange) to drive us home in these events, or encourage me to go ahead and chat with a doctor about getting glasses to help correct it because it's dangerous to me, to you, and to them- whoever they may be.
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