I've seen posted all over facebook the countdown of thanks or something like that. I must say honestly I'm often annoyed at the bombarding of my news feed. People whom I rarely keep up with I'm now privey to knowing what they're thankful for on any given day in November, 2 matching socks, a dog that doesn't shed, whatever the blessing may be.
And yet for the annoyance that it is, I'm also moved by those posts that are genuine and truly grateful, to think about my own blessings. I'm not one to post it daily on facebook but I thought I would post some things I'm thankful for here.
Tonight especially, I am unbelievably thankful for a God who truly does do all things well. A God who knew it would break my heart to leave a place and people I loved dearly but had a new and different work for me to do so moved me to St. Louis. I'm thankful for a God who has lavished His love on me in many ways. One of those ways is in the dear friendships He has given me. I am constantly reminded of His satisfying love because of how well I am loved by my friends. Tonight I stood at my car just talking with a friend about the ins and outs of life and I was struck by not only how well she has cared for and encouraged me but how I genuinely love this sweet friend. I, sadly, often find that friendships can be lopsided. One friend pursues and loves well while the other just receives often not giving back or not reciprocating equally. I have played both roles in friendships. I feel however God has given me more of a desire to love well and allow others to love me well. It's a rare thing and I treasure it and the opportunities I've been given to practice.
I'm also thankful for a church that was wise enough in its mass to develop house churches so that deep relationships could be formed among members. I'm thankful to have been in a house church that has challenged me, encouraged me, supported me, loved me, cried with me, laughed with me, and taught me. Though bitter sweet, I'm thankful for this very house church that is dividing for the sake of the hostess' sanity, intimate sharing, and growth of the kingdom. Oh, I'm so very thankful for the stability they have provided when my world has been shaken.
I'm so very thankful for my dear family being near and being able to actually be an aunt to my nieces and nephews and a sister to my brother and sister in law. I'm thankful that those words are actually legit and not b.s.! What a transforming work God is able to do! And I'm thankful for it.
I'm thankful for the beautiful home I'm sheltered by this very moment. The car that sits in the driveway, the computer at my fingertips, the phone and ipod at my side, and the food that's in my tummy.
I'm thankful for my job that I adore and am challenged daily to be salt and light in. I'm thankful that God in His mercy has actually made me good at it and enjoy it. I'm thankful for the other believer He has placed to work with me and the laughter that runs throughout every day.
I'm thankful for creativity, words, hot glue, Pintrest, and inspiration. I'm thankful that He uses everything at our hands for His use and His glory.
Tonight, I am thankful.
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