Maybe it's just me, but I'm stunned at how quickly time is flying by. Jen, thanks for pointing out that February is shorter which justifies it seeming to be over so quickly, but what is the excuse for March? Seriously! I kept telling myself I need to post an update for March. And low and behold, hello April!
So here we are in April, celebrating Easter this very weekend and the Lord is revealing in my life His commitment to His people.
First, let me start by saying I have been living here for 7 months now and God has not stopped showing His faithfulness to me within that time (and when I look before my 7 months here I have to say in hindsight I am beginning to see His faithfulness there.) In these 7 months I have gone through some emotional hardships, heartbreaks, car issues, and financial issues. It has been a 7 months that I know someday I'll be able to look back on fondly and today is one of those days.
So, let me just update you quickly with what has most recently been in the forefront of my mind and prayers. My own financial situation coupled with Freedom School's. Many of you, I'm sure, have no idea what I'm talking about seeing as though we rarely e-talk, much less face to face. But we'll catch up, all in due time. :)
My own issues: Y'all, I did not know where the money was going to come from this month and was already stressed for paying bills coming next month. As I had figured I would be hundreds of dollars short. Don't you know that some how money stretched from last month over to this month to cover the gap and now money (that wasn't even there to start with) has stretched from this month to cover next month? And I got a pay check that was hundreds of dollars more than what I normally get paid. I told the Lord, you are going to have to miraculously provide this money because if you don't I'm done for. He has provided! Thank God that He doesn't work within the confines of my faith!
Freedom School: Ministry with the church I'm attending, New City Fellowship, that I'll soon be subbing at, hoping to get on full time. Freedom School deficit $90,000. That seemed like an insurmountable amount of money to me of little faith. We were told of this deficit just weeks before I am to start subbing there and my natural inclination is to RUN! Run to a place I "know" is financially stable and will be able to pay me on time because I'm dealing with my own financial stuff, right. Just last night we were told that God's people had gathered $195,000 for Freedom School! What?!?!?! He has provided!
My friends, those of you who really know me, know that I came to STL kicking and screaming and faith is not a spiritual gift of mine. Let me just tell you that God is beginning a visible work in me in this area. He has led me to every situation, where in my own strength there was NO way of anything good coming from the mess, but when I recognized that and called on Him , He has been faithful to meet the need. Not only monetarily but I've seen in it in my own emotions, my spiritual life, my mental life, His work around the world, His work in a lost person's life.
I have seen, the commitment God has made with His people. In this season of Easter isn't that what we are celebrating? God's commitment, even to sacrifice His own Son, so that we might be reconciled to Him, through Jesus' death and resurrection. Isn't that our hope? That God has so bound Himself to us that through these trials that we go through, He is working out goodness and righteousness in and through us. And that because of His power that is now at work in me through the Holy Spirit, I have freedom to love the "unlovable", to freely give to the orphan and the widow, to come alongside the prostitute, and to live among the poor and oppressed. He is committed to do good, even when my faith is the weakest of weak, when my joy is depleted, and I want to go Home. Thank God for His commitment!
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