
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boundless Relationship Week Day 4

Task 6.... "The List" Qualities I want in a husband.... different wording, same routine

"For some reason, we've made indecision noble when it comes to dating." I really enjoyed this quote from one of the articles and find that it is so true.

Besides this quote though I must be honest in saying I am tired of the typical christian list making, dreaming of life in marriage week. I'm not needing more focus given to this very thing I want, but don't yet have. SO what I was thinking would be more beneficial for me to do is to list what qualities I really want in myself.

I really do want to love and trust the Lord specifically when things are awful, when nothing is turning out as planned, when I don't see another way out. I want to have scripture so hidden in my heart that I might not sin, but remember His wonders of old. I want to be an encouragement to all around me. I want my life to be characterized by loving the Lord through loving those He cares for; the widow, the orphan, the alien, the poor. I want to joyfully invest in lives around me, even when it is not appreciated. I want to be a dedicated teacher that strives for individual success and continues to challenge myself. I want to be counted on in intimate community within the church. I want to be a supportive wife who allows opportunities for her husband to truly lead. I want to be a godly mother that leads her children in God's truth and leaves them in God's hands.

Thank God that this is a process and at my ripe young age of 27 He still has time to work on me because oh how I am so not even there!

Boundless Relationship Week Day 3

Task 5 Call or visit a friend and ask how you can be a better friend to them, ways you can improve. Ughhh....

I must say originally I was leery of this task. I definitely did not want to hear the ways I had been a bad friend over the years. Especially not after the day of disappointments and lack of trust in God I had had. Nonetheless, I braced myself for what could be a massive verbal lashing.

Instead what I received was grace upon grace. My dearest friend told me the only way I could improve was to see her more and that she had felt convicted of her absences as well. I know there are areas that I need to improve in, even if through her grace stained glasses she cannot see or chooses not to.

We spent the rest of the conversation talking about her. Her wedding plans, her excitement, her summer, her life. I loved it. After the few days I have had it was so refreshing to take the focus off of me and to spotlight her. She naturally asked questions about me and I tried as best I could to redirect without being rude.

I think our conversation today allowed me to see the trees among the forest and really savior the beauty of perspective.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boundless Relationship Week Day 2

Task 4 Communicate respect to a significiant man in your life after reading Ephesians 5:33, Chpt. 1 of Love and Respect, and reviewing The 5 Love Languages.

My dad is out of town, my brother has no method of immediate communication, and I'm single. This task was something that I wanted to complete though so I went to my easiest target, my coworker.

I need to just say it is so much easier to respect someone when they love you in your language or know that you are doing a challenge and are up for being a part of it. This was not the scenerio in my situation. Usually my coworker and I get along fine, but the one day I'm trying to be quietly intentional with showing him respect is the one day he does everything to piss me off. Meaning he didn't do the things I secretly wanted him to do to show me love, so I could show him respect! Hahaha! Really challenging!

This task really challenged my thinking and perspective on God given roles within a marriage or relationship in general. Because though in a marriage issues are intensified and intimate, I think this is such a good thing to remember in life. I'm not looking for my male coworkers to intimately love me, but I am wanting to be heard, therefore valued, therefore feeling loved. Just the same, I'm not looking to my male coworkers to lead me in all areas of my life, so I can show them all of my respect, but I can respect decisions they make concerning our crew, project, or work site.

Great task!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Boundless Relationship Week Day 1

Task 3 How did meditating on this passage further shape your view on relationship?

Romans 12:9-13
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another is showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

It's funny that this would be the first task and "Let love be genuine" would be the first words. Over the past few weeks I have felt a real absence of intimate community in my life. I was telling a friend that in this move, I have done a good job at getting a good quantity of friends but now I want some of those friendships to be better quality. And it really is all about being real, or genuine, with each other. Having this community and accountability will encourage and challenge me to hate what is evil and cling to what is good, while being able to truly come to a point of loving with sisterly affections these women in my life.

In thinking about the list of 7 things to be doing given in this passage, it's really easy for me to separate this from the context of relationships and simply apply it to my life. Though that's good and well, these 3 verses are within the context of relationships and cannot just be removed from that. So keeping that in mind, I'm challenged by these things. Outdo one another in showing honor, don't be lazy in your excitement, be active listening and obeying the spirit, serve God, be happy in hope, be long suffering in trials, and always be in prayer! Imagine what friendships or relationships of all facets would look like if this was how we truly lived. If this was how I truly lived.

Comparing myself to these 7 standards brings conviction to my selfish heart, but also empowers me by clearly laying out the picture of true Christianity, knowing that it is not I who has a good work to finish in me but Christ alone! I can boast in my weakness because where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Boundless Dating

Task 2

So for those of you who don't know I'm taking a challenge. My first public task was to read a series of articles on Biblical dating and then to comment on them.

Biblical dating is slightly phantomish to me. I honestly love the concept and the challenge of it but have never seen it done. It is so much easier to give into self, pressure, and societal norms. Christ however was not called to the easy route, nor are we in being transformed into His likeness.

There were some points that I could debate, some others I could whine about, yet still others that I stood resolutely behind. In the end though my heart was continually led back to the truth that "ALL of life comes down to just these things, that's to know Jesus and make Him known." This does not exclude my dating life but rather fully includes it. If a relationship or the actions taken within the context of that relationship don't allow me to know Jesus better or make Him (His purposes, His character, His law) made known what is the point? It would be some self gratifying purpose, which is not the intent for a Godly marriage.

So, there are things I don't want to hear and don't want to live by, but I know that His nearness is my good. Be near Oh God and plant these dating boundaries deep within my heart so that I might not sin against a brother or against you.