
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boundless Relationship Week Day 2

Task 4 Communicate respect to a significiant man in your life after reading Ephesians 5:33, Chpt. 1 of Love and Respect, and reviewing The 5 Love Languages.

My dad is out of town, my brother has no method of immediate communication, and I'm single. This task was something that I wanted to complete though so I went to my easiest target, my coworker.

I need to just say it is so much easier to respect someone when they love you in your language or know that you are doing a challenge and are up for being a part of it. This was not the scenerio in my situation. Usually my coworker and I get along fine, but the one day I'm trying to be quietly intentional with showing him respect is the one day he does everything to piss me off. Meaning he didn't do the things I secretly wanted him to do to show me love, so I could show him respect! Hahaha! Really challenging!

This task really challenged my thinking and perspective on God given roles within a marriage or relationship in general. Because though in a marriage issues are intensified and intimate, I think this is such a good thing to remember in life. I'm not looking for my male coworkers to intimately love me, but I am wanting to be heard, therefore valued, therefore feeling loved. Just the same, I'm not looking to my male coworkers to lead me in all areas of my life, so I can show them all of my respect, but I can respect decisions they make concerning our crew, project, or work site.

Great task!

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