
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Metal Tubes and Hummingbirds

Written 11/19/10 @ 12:55

I have not done much research on elephants. To be completely honest, I’ve done zero research on elephants. So I cannot be certain that the old saying of someone having the memory of an elephant is totally verifiable. If however this is true and their memory capacity is correlated to their size, then I have the memory of let’s say a squirrel. If I write things down, that is a different story, but simply remembering things such as birthdays, event times, dates, where I placed things, etc….. it’s in one ear and out the other rarely stopping to make a mental note.

Today for example doing homiletics for BSF I wrote an “r” to represent a word in my 10 word sentence. 10 words, that’s all I had to remember. I wanted to mull over this sentence so I moved on to other things I had yet to work on. Literally about 5 minutes later I came back to this sentence resolved that indeed I wanted to use the “r” word. But, as luck would have it, I forgot what the “r” represented. Pondering, pondering, reconcile…no, restore…no, return…no, recompense… no! Ah!!! So frustrating. Time ticking I had to scurry out the door to make it to BSF on time and get dinner. So I freshen up the makeup finding a lip gloss I hadn’t used in while. I wanted to remember to take it with me, and knowing me if I put it down I’d forget it and I had no pockets in my dress. So I did what any scrambling, busty women would do and tossed it in my cleavage. Surely I’d remember a nestled metal tube. So, “packed” and ready to go I run upstairs remembering that I’d been wanting to find that word. So I tossed the challenge to my mom and grabbed a dictionary, explaining that I couldn’t just change my sentence or use different words that got the same message across because I had only 1 allotted space left in my subject sentence. (Any BSFers understand my dilemma!) RECIPROCATING! Found it! Now much later and having no time to stop for dinner I race to BSF! Literally 1 minute to spare. Substitute leader, visitor, lots of catching up to do equals negative memory retention for Angie. So, anything I was hoping to remember is now booted as I have to get into BSF mode and adjust to a different routine. 2 hours of BSF, chatting, then dinner with friends and I’m racing home at 11:30. Luckily, I remember this weekend of all weekends I don’t want to make a pit stop in the morning on my way to breakfast with Beckyboo at the grocery store to be with those Thanksgiving shoppers! Yikes. SO I swing by the store to pick up stuff to make pumpkin muffins. It’s only God’s grace that I remembered that. Getting home around midnight I change into my pj’s and what falls to my feet? Oh yeah, that lip gloss I wanted to make sure I remembered.

Oh and I forgot to tell you when I pulled up to my house I forget how close I can get to the road ties we have. So I realized I got too close this time when it pulled the plastic guard for my wheel well off my car. Awesome!

My little squirrel memory may not be any sort of competition in memory games with an elephant but I’ll take on a hummingbird any day!


jay sauser said...

My wife does BSF and loves it.

Shannon Reece said...

you are too funny! I was reading this to the fam and we all had a really good laugh!!! I just can't get over the fact that you never FELT that lipgloss!!!
Love and miss you.

Angielee said...

Jay! I love that! I started BSF last year and this year am a group leader. Going through Isaiah is some intense stuff. There are things in there my eyes have never read before. Pretty cool! Glad she loves it!

Steph! I love that you all could get a kick out of my silliness. hahaha. I guess it just nestled and felt at home. :) I miss you a ton. Hope Morgan is feeling 100% better soon! Praying for you all. A million hugs! <3