Maybe not my most brilliant moment, but yesterday I rode my bike with a medium length skirt going against the wind. I don't know how they do it on t.v. but let me tell you, that's not how it goes and it indeed gets quiet awkward for oncoming traffic and my one handed attempt to maneuver my bike and skirt.
********** In searching for this picture I actually found that riding a bike with a skirt is not as uncommon as I thought. There are actually blogs and sites dedicated to it. Hmmm.**********
No Not One
I left with a Tupperware container full and returned home with it empty. Filled with what you ask. Well none other than these, which were a hit. I think they might be my "thing" now. Any who, not one little morsel was left. I L-O-V-E that!
I'm a big fan of the giddies.
You know that feeling in your stomach when you're on the breech of something so completely fantastic? The giddies. I got that feeling recently and am looking into a way to bottle it up so I can sniff it when feeling low. I love how we were really are so geniusly made that something that makes my heart skip a beat, my breath catch in my throat, my brain make a billion snap decisions in a millisecond, also effects my toes and tummy releasing a palm full of giddies that well up with in. Oh I love the giddies, but more so I love the moments that create those giddies.
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