
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Waiting for Spring

I love spring. Lingering fingers on the car door just to enjoy the breeze one last time. Conversations that were once bustled inside because of the biting cold now stay in the warmth of the evening air. Windows down. Every song has a new hint of joy that stirs me to dream of flowers, skirts and bare feet, love, and laughter. I'll say it every year, I love spring. The anticipation of all the new to come. The fresh air that places rose colored glasses on my face and allows life that may have grown dull with winter to awaken, new and exciting.

Though this winter has been nothing short of beautiful and abnormally warm there is nothing quite like those first few dramatic hints of spring. Today I felt it. The gusts of wind blew through the trees and tousled those dormant spring giddies in my soul. The 75 degree day beckoned my legs to go bare through the streets. And the sun called my face upward to soak in its warmth.

What love. None the less, I wait. These days are but the inklings of the spring to come in a few short days. When smells of barbecues will replace smells of of fireplaces. When tennis rackets will replace window scrapers in the back seat. Sandals will slide to spots that boots once occupied. Bicycle helmets instead of ear warmers. Ohhh, what a glorious time! But I wait. With a glass of iced tea on the front porch swing I wait for spring.

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