
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life Lately According to my IPhone

Hiking at Castlewood. Though I felt death pursue me, I made it.

Who couldn't smile with this precious face greeting you when you come home?

Fiddler On the Roof (AMAZING!) with Jean, Stephanie, and Emily at the Peabody Opera House

It's true, I'm an official Cardinals fan. Not just that but I genuinely like watching baseball and am slightly saddened when I miss a game. Who am I?!
House Church. It just doesn't get much better than being in community with these guys. (Ben and Caleb)
I've started the Paleo diet. And... I like it! Enjoying some natural peanut butter though cause this girl likes to break rules every now and again.
Watching the sunset at Creve Cour Lake after picnicking.

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