
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Quick Visit

Hi. I've missed you and those seem to be the only words I can seem to find to say what I've been feeling these last few weeks without you. I'm not ready to come back full fledged, still pulling a balancing act but I'm learning, and shifting, reprioritizing, and hoping someday soon, I can slip this back into the mix without completely losing balance again.

I do want to share with you, in the short time I have, some thoughts I've been having, some completely random, others a little to real.

I have been longing for heaven recently. In a way I haven't ever before. What that means is, well that finally maybe my emphasis is being put in the right place. Recently, people I've known from a distance have parted this world and I've found myself mourning with their families and friends but internally completely joyful for them as they were believers. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and teared up with her in her description of heaven, of her longing for heaven, of our longing for a simpler life with God. But with that longing has come a new sense of determination to live each moment, to delight in my life, and to share this delight with others. Deep I know, but it's where I'm at.

For something a little lighter, losing weight is a CHALLENGE (not the word I wanted to say, but let's keep it classy!) You may know I've started taking a Zumba toning class. I hated it for the first few weeks and now I find myself actually looking forward to my Tuesday routine. What! I like food, it's brought me comfort over the years but daggum, like many other things I've held on to it for too long and the Lord is breaking those unhealthy bonds. So, you know I rebel, my body rebels, but in the end God is continuously gracious is helping me to overcome this addiction. HONESTY, yikes!

Lastly, y'all this is true victory for me. Sleep is an idol for me. I mean a real idol. I'd much rather sleep than most anything else, but as God is dethroning these other idols in my life, He's not leaving this one standing either. I have been waking up early for....... 8 days in a row now! HEY!!!!! This may seem like a trivial thing for you but sister, or brother, I would love nothing more to stay in my cozy little bed, with those pillows and warm sheets for hours. But with God's help I have been able to get up in the morning, do my bible study, eat breakfast, have my little Honey Lemon, get ready and be at work on time without stress! This is huge for me because usually I'm rushing around the house, spilling hot Honey Lemon on me on my way out the door and totally frazzled by the time I get to work, where I then have to work with 7th graders with special needs. WHAT! If there were ever a job for me that I need to come to work as peaceful as possible it is this!

So there's my little bit of life right now. Little victory, after little victory. Now, I have a 10k to start training for that I've been saying I'm going to start training for for about a month now. Running and I have a love/hate relationship and the thought of even training for this thing keeps me on the hate side. Maybe someday, but today is still one of those "nu-ugh" days. Little by, little friends.  ;)

Miss you all!

1 comment:

Renee Badenoch said...

Dear Angie,
thanks for this post. I've been mourning for those same people, and yes, longing for heaven.

On another note, this week in English class I suddenly remembered a story you once told me and I started laughing and could hardly contain myself. It was about the guy in the red track suit ski-blading around the lake screaming Bad Romance at the top of his lungs.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.