
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

He Remains.

I had to make a relatively long drive today over to north county from the city. It's a dreary day today. It's not 30 degrees which is great but it is somewhere around 40 and drizzly. This type of weather always puts me in a contemplative mood. With the radio tuned in to Joy FM (yes, I listen to christian radio which has apparently become taboo in the trendy christian circles. Opps.) there was song after song that badgered my heart.

I've written before how every break tends to leave me a little less spiritual and a lot more lazy. This break has not been that way, by God's grace. I've been productive. Busy making plans for my future classroom, organizing, visiting with friends, doing the "farm" chores. It's been great. But, even in the midst of my finding time to still meet with the Lord, I've found my heart still on vacation, somewhere far off and removed. So, I've been reading the word without a real connection to it. Some people can do that, have the Bible be merely a factual story, no need for emotion. I, however, am NOT one of those people.

I'm moved by scripture. I'm thrilled to connect it to my life. And though painful, I'm joyful of the conviction it brings. This far removed me, could just as easily be reading a book in all Mandarin ( a language I don't speak) and have the same reactions.

So today as I drove, there was a continuous stream of songs convicting my heart and tearing down the little walls that had already begun to build after a week of vacation. Songs reminding me that I am not who I once was, that God is making me and all things new. Songs reiterating that He, Immanuel, has cast my sins as far as the east is from the west. "I don't have to see the man I've been rising up in me again." And songs declaring that it's not me doing the work, but because God is with us I can sing.

On this dreary day, I found my eyes even more clouded with tears and a heart softened as these reminders sunk deep into the dry places. Amen! He does not abandon the works of His hands. And though I am so faithless, He remains ever true, ever faithful, ever good.

So enjoy a little diddy that struck this hard heart today.

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