
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catch Up

Welcome to 2011! It has made a spectacular entrance or maybe 2010 made a splendid exit. It all got pretty messy there in between. None the less. Hullo! I'm happy to tell you I'm still alive. At points in the past few weeks I've been M.I.A. from here I've felt as though I were going to die, I am here to tell you I didn't. Good news right!

I feel the need to play another quick game of catch up, both to clear things up for  you of where I've been and to show me exactly what the Lord has brought me through.

So a recap of 2010 crazies:
still living with parents
lost a job
got a job
lost a job again
got a real job offer
lost the offer
got a permanent sub job
got a permanent teaching job
quit sub job
4 days later quit the teaching job
went back to subbing
met an ex-girlfriend of my ex-fiance
       slightly devastated by this news because they were dating during the awkward engagement
       got a message from the ex, wanting to reconcile, deleted
And moved on
Started BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)
Became a leader of BSF
Am thriving in BSF
Best friend got engaged
A thousand other friends got engaged
A million more got pregnant
Lots of highs
lots of lows
Became friends with some of the best people ever!

Enter 2011
delighting in new friendships
continuing to hope
and wait
and trust
and wait....

So that seems to be the big and small of it. I'm sure my life has been riddled with the little moments in between that make life worth living, but those I get to live with those dearest to me! So here's wishing you and yours a blessed, refreshing, and exciting new year!

1 comment:

jay sauser said...

Waiting has been a theme for us as well so far this year. It has actually been a theme since October last fall.