
Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

{Link Love}

I am completely fascinated with owls right now. You? Your kiddos?

I found this sweet little lunch box that any one of your daughters would love to carry with her and actually eat out of!

And how stinking cute are these little gift boxes!

Wouldn't you love these colorful tins in your chic kitchen!

Hope your Monday is a hoot!  ;)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Out With A Bang

Well, hello there winter. Aren't you going out with a bang?!

Right now as I write I'm listening to our local tornado sirens going off and watching the news. Just last week a random blast of snow after 70 degree weather, today multiple tornadoes and nasty storms.

Oh winter, you are so dramatic! Hope you all are safe and cozy in your homes tonight.

If seasons had a birth order what do you think they'd be? This year I'm taking winter as a first born or one of the middles.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wanting What You Don't Have, When You Don't Know What You Want

Tonight I drove home and was shocked to not see my houses lit up. My heart sulked a little bit because go figure, for all my griping, I actually liked seeing them. I wondered if these houses visited my corner here and saw my ugly post? Empty, dark streets now lay waiting for spring to shed some life. Sadly, this isn't the first time I've griped about something I wanted, then changed my mind  realizing I wanted the very thing I complained about. Oh my...

Friday, February 25, 2011

{has this ever happened to you?}

i'm thinking about starting a new little segment of my blog called "has this ever happened to you?" because my life is filled with things that i question happen to other people, so i need to confirm or deny this possible truth. so let's try it. i write it. you respond. and we'll see how this crazy thing goes!

  • having the innate desire to tell teenagers to put more clothes on when it's a blustery 35 degree day? 
  • i have a way i like things in my shower, however, those i live with like to rearrange these things. i arrange them back only to find them in an instant rearranged. i had to laugh out loud in the bathroom by myself last night as i saw my again rearranged shampoo bottles.
  • showing a "human life" video as a substitute not quite knowing how to explain why a couple is "tangoing" and then boop they have a baby to 5th and 6th graders. true story.
  • eating that 1 too many chocolate only to feel sick moments later
anybody with me?

also, thinking about starting a seperate little blog called "yumin" (like the country Yemen but with 'yum') for all the awesome food stuff I find, cause well i don't know if food is really a major part of my 'life under grace'. i thought about play on words subtitles like 'o'man' for super yumin stuff and "ja-booty" for the healthier yumins. thoughts, questions, concerns? i'm open.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

{Not in Elementary Anymore}

Today I worked at a high school for the first time ever....
I'd like to share some things I observed that let me know I wasn't in an elementary school.
  • PDA   icks  I don't remember seeing all that in my day but my oh my
  • Sex Position "Trade Cards" Ummmmm..... reason number 1,328 why I want to home school
  • A girl who was either clinically insane or was SO doped up she was CrAzY!
  • Posters for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered after school club! Definitely not in elementary schools anymore.
  • Teachers cursing while teaching???? what the what!
  • students recording fights to then analyze with friends at a later date  hmmmm.
  • I met a younger, more fashionable, more vulgar me now, back then! Confused? Let me explain. I think I'm becoming the person I saw myself as in high school or maybe that I wished myself to be. Whatever it is, I am she or at least becoming her. Today I met that me, except she IS in high school and has those same qualities I longed for myself then, but am developing now. I enjoyed just watching her interact with her classmates minus the outrageous mouth!
What a new found respect I have for you high school teachers. NO, NO that one is not for me!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm there!

Can we just talk for a minute about how inappropriate it is for homes to still be lit up with Christmas lights. To not have taken them down, ok, I might be that person some day as well but to continuously be plugging them in every night. Come on now. I have a friend, who has purposely kept up their Christmas tree and will do so until March! Love it! All for it! It works in their house. And that's just the thing it's IN their house. There are two houses in my neighborhood alone that won't give it up. Maybe they're having a competition. But I'm a girl longing for spring, I don't need anymore reminders that we are not far removed from the Christmas season, which comes with lots of snow.

I think as obnoxious as it is, I'd rather live next to this house,(like my Besty does) glowing palm trees and all, just for the reminder that spring and summer are coming. A fake tropical oasis! Does it get any better? :)


I wish I was talking about how stuffed I was after Chinese yesterday or how stuffed I was after Little Hills yumminess, but no, no I've just found THESE THINGS and my life will never be the same.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

{Oh Bakerella}

Oh and did I tell you all that I made these for Valentines Day and they were a big hit! So easy, so cute, and so yummy! Thanks to my trial BSFers! Glad you liked them.

happy month of love to you
Loves- Ang

How Sweet It Is!

I just found 2 new blogs I am in LOVE with! Each had completely scrumptious desserts I'm itching to make. Keep an eye out for some yumminess possibly coming your way! Here are some pics to get your taste buds excited!

Uhhhh, can you say YUMS!

Lord knows I love sprinkles! So cute right?

Are you wishing you lived closer now?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blast From The Past

Today I had the privilege of working at a middle school, which is always fascinating for me. I love sitting in the cafeteria people watching. I know most people do this at malls, but since I typically hate malls and I especially hate middle schoolers in malls. I'll take what I can. There are still those same lunch tables that have some great divide among them, but now that I'm out of that phase it's harder to pinpoint who's who. Or maybe I just don't care, but as I tried to determine labels for each (judge me if you must) I did find the table with all Latino students, one with all African American boys, another with African American girls, the table with the "abnormally cute for middle schoolers", near a table of slightly punk couples. I giggled to myself of course, so glad that time does indeed move on. Problems that were so major then are put into perspective now.

Then the door I was standing in front of to make sure my student left was located in front of an awkward boys table. They themselves didn't seem that awkward, but middle school boys I just find to be goofily awkward. None the less, the "looking" began. I'm not a normal face in this school and it does not go unrecognized surprisingly for this age that tends to be so self involved. The insecure me began to wonder what they were looking at. I've had a cold and been blowing my nose like crazy, which is causing some dry skin and anxieties about "escapees". My mind was aflutter with all the wardrobe malfunctions there could be as some at the table began to whisper. Just as I was about to give them a piece of my I'm 28 years old  and I don't care about your looks face a woman swept in front of me pleading for me to look at her butt to see if she sat in something. As I stared at this strange woman's pants she told me the story of how some girls at the table she was manning told her she had stuff on her butt as she walked away. I smiled as I saw nothing and reassured her of the nothing on her pants and was reassured of the nothing malfunctioning on me.

Later we had a tornado drill. My student who typically, I'm told, has no behavior issues, refused to sit and cover. His classmate did exactly as told in skinny jeans as are the trend. So skinny jeans and all this other student sat and covered her head, which uncovered her bottom. Oh the many issues with skinny jeans. So I asked my student to sit again. He said, "I can't my jeans are too tight." I tried to compel him to try. Looking down at his classmate and her skinny jean butt issue he looked back at me and simply shook his head as though to say, I'm not gonna show off my butt like that!

I couldn't blame him. Because the truth I came to today was that I do care. It's not an all consuming, nerve racking, anxiety producing care. But it's there. And I think it's good. Well, I know it's good. It's the very thing that wills me to shower most every morning, to check my zipper, to gently graze my nose, to chew gum or have a mint after lunch, or to tug at my shirt during a tornado drill. I cared in middle school. I care now. And I'm ok with that. ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring Sunsets

Here in St. Louis the weather has been AMAZING. Each day filled with blue skys, singing birds, running athletes, and the hope of spring. I hope that you have had the divine privilege of expereincing this in the throws of February. I'm glad February has something going for it, the month for lovers, because what month wants to be known for bleak, depressive, and oppresive for those that struggle with seasonal depression. I'm so grateful that right here on February 15th I can tell you about the beautiful sunset I saw tonight.

I was leaving a friend's house at 5:49 and it wasn't pitch black! Amazing number 1. Then as I was driving, the pink haze really did make the city look rosier. Amazing number 2. But then as the highway raised to the sky for a moment I was able to look and see that just above the tops of the trees the sun was setting. This was no typical winter sunset that always seems to be lacking or non exisistant. This sunset was filled with the beautiful pinks and oranges, soft blues and hazy purples of spring. The colors I long to see in the bleak mid winter. I'm so glad that somehow the Lord has equppied our eyes and mind to multitask, because I was mesmorized by this stunning picture yet HULLO I was driving 60mph (or a few more) on the part of the highway that stretches far above the rest leaving one wrong move for me to go plumeting to my death! None the less, my eyes got to behold this lovely sight, and my spirit for spring was revived. Just a bit more and we'll be there. Amazing numbers 3, 4, & 5.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Sweet Life

This weekend was filled with lots of needed fun and friends. Friday of course my beloved BSF with a yummy trip to Apple Bee's to chow down on wanton tacos! Haven't had them? You must! Then home early to finish a paper for class and to bed for a packed Saturday.

However, when I woke up Saturday, my throat was achy, my nose was stuffed, and my ears were itching insanely! NOOOOO! It's supposed to be so beautiful this weekend but my head will be all foggy with sickness. I refused to let that stop me though. So to Brunch O' Love I went. I'm so glad I did, because it was truly lovely. From the sweet decor, to the great friends, the yummy snacks, and the sweet favors being a white rose and a ribbon rose pin. All things girly and love filled. It did my heart good.

With no time to waste I galloped over to The Bride's to prepare for the lingerie shower. A relaxing event filled with all the shades of red faces can go. From the innocent to the border raunchy. I was glad it was not me opening my intimates in front of everyone. A fun game of naming the gifts left me rolling on the floor in laughter. "Granny No Panties" I laugh just thinking about it.

And then the event planned a year in advance, Janelle's 30th birthday party. With signs pointing the way to various fun events in the house there was no way to lament the passing of the 20's. For the first time, maybe ever, 30 looked appealing for a spunky single girl in St. Louis! F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!

With my foggy head finally hitting the pillow around 1 I thought about the events of the day. The beautiful weather, the windows down, the laughter of friends. I live a great life. Most of it completely unexpected.

On Saturday, in the midst of my gallivanting, I ran across 2 dogs, tongues out and face to the wind enjoying the ride in the front seat of the car. In times like these, when I'm immensely thankful for my sweet life, I fancy that's what I look like. Just maybe not with my tongue out. ;)

What sweetness are you thankful for this Valentine's Day?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I've Got A Feeling

This morning I walked out of my house to be completely blinded by the sun beaming off the ice still coating the yards. I was slapped in the chest from the cool of the air in my lungs. Strangely the first thought that came to my mind was, I wonder if this is what heaven is going to be like? Not bitterly cold and blindingly bright. But will the glory of the Lord be that kind of brilliance? Will my eyes squint and squirm trying to make sense of what they are perceiving? Trying to see so as to take a step. Will my breath catch in my throat as I am struck with His presence? Will it be refreshing and somehow overwhelming to stand right before Him?

At this very moment I just watched a short news clip about RFID chips being embedded in credit cards, passports, and pet's ears which reminds me of what I've been told end days will be like. Only instilling the thought that maybe my faith will be my eyes relatively soon.

But until then let's laugh. Here's this great band that a friend showed me today because she knows that I'm in a bluegrass kick yet I likey the pop! Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Forgot I Loved

Tonight I watched a rerun of The Office. Which one you ask. Well, of course the one where Jim and Pam get married. And the totally unexpected song that makes my heart throb when I hear it, just from this TV show moment. So, I just wanted to share it with you again, so you could have a "remember when" moment with fictional characters and me.

My Spiral

The other day I was asked to come up with a number between 1 and 255. I chose 133. I don't know why, I just did. I, in my analytical mind, continue to question why 133. Strange that I would question and not just move on with life I know, but I am who I am. So, like my FAVE movie, You've Got Mail,  I'm coming up with reasons I would have subconsciously chosen 133.

Thus follows my downward spiral thought pattern:

Tonight, driving home, the number popped in my head again. Maybe 1 exciting event is going to happen when I'm 33.
Wow I'm going to be 33 in 5 years.
Oh my, in 12 years I'm going to be 40. (Here panic sets in.)
Oh Lord please let me move out of my parents house by the time I'm 40. Oh who are we kidding, by the time I'm 33,...but really 29.
I'm going to be single forever.
Depressed eye glaze.

All within moments while driving after an encouraging lecture and fellowship time. Sometimes it is a slow fade down the slippery slope of pity. Other times it's taking the unexpected entrance ramp and going 0 to 133 in 60 seconds.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

The movie I refuse to see. But the song, the song makes me smile and pretend that I'm 14 again dancing to my most recent heart throb!

Does this make me a Bielber?

And I chose to watch Pretty Woman instead of watching my favorite NFL team the Packers!
On one hand I'm glad I missed Christina's big flop. On the other, I missed the big win. Ah, well. I watched a small portion and halftime. No need for regrets!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Happy February, the month for Lovers.....

I know I'm single. I know Valentine's Day has more hype than what it's worth. I know single women around the world ignore the fact that this day exists or bitterly throw something resembling a funeral to celebrate. I know. BUT, I love love. I love celebrating love. I love seeing others in love and not the I can't keep my hands off of you or I'm hopeless when I'm not near you love, but real true, I care about you as a human being and treasure your friendship love. I love dreaming of myself in love. And I love that there is a month dedicated to the celebration of love. How could you not when there are such awesome things like this

 yummy red velvet cake from I'm A Baker.

Or these sweet displays that I'm going to do some version of by Julie.

And what about these totally delicious M&M's by Whipperberry that are somehow cuter because they're pink and gray and in my fave coffee drink bottles!

A day for lovers indeed! Here's the great thing, I may not have a lover but I am a lover. I love all sorts of things but more importantly I love so many amazing people. And though I myself am spending another Valentine's season single, I love and I will celebrate the whole month away loving every minute of it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed In

Not as bad as expected but bunkered down in the house none the less. Well, not my house but my dear friends Kate and Emily's apartment. In the foreknowledge of the coming snow storm there was some fun to be had with friends, so we decided to have a slumber party! What better way to spend a "blizzard"?

Night 1- An awesome game of Phase 10 where I won for the first time ever!
Day 1- A little reading, a lot of dancing -belly and wii, painting the nails, tortilla pizzas- a new favorite, and for dinner steak, potatoes, and corn! Yums!
Day2- A little reading, salsa dancing, treking through the snow and then playing- sliding, snowball toss, and the building of our lovely snowman, Edward.

Hope you are enjoying your snow!