
Friday, February 25, 2011

{has this ever happened to you?}

i'm thinking about starting a new little segment of my blog called "has this ever happened to you?" because my life is filled with things that i question happen to other people, so i need to confirm or deny this possible truth. so let's try it. i write it. you respond. and we'll see how this crazy thing goes!

  • having the innate desire to tell teenagers to put more clothes on when it's a blustery 35 degree day? 
  • i have a way i like things in my shower, however, those i live with like to rearrange these things. i arrange them back only to find them in an instant rearranged. i had to laugh out loud in the bathroom by myself last night as i saw my again rearranged shampoo bottles.
  • showing a "human life" video as a substitute not quite knowing how to explain why a couple is "tangoing" and then boop they have a baby to 5th and 6th graders. true story.
  • eating that 1 too many chocolate only to feel sick moments later
anybody with me?

also, thinking about starting a seperate little blog called "yumin" (like the country Yemen but with 'yum') for all the awesome food stuff I find, cause well i don't know if food is really a major part of my 'life under grace'. i thought about play on words subtitles like 'o'man' for super yumin stuff and "ja-booty" for the healthier yumins. thoughts, questions, concerns? i'm open.

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