
Sunday, March 13, 2011

{Now That The Wait Is Over} A Wedding Story

My best friend married yesterday. A day we waited and waited and waited and waited for. Finally it was here for her. It flew by but I was able to steal away moments in my mind that I will cherish forever.

On rehersal night we laughed about favorite memories we had together. We had the same favorite. When we were in high school we use to lay out on the trampoline in her backyard at night looking up at the stars, dreaming of our wedding days and talking about the boys we had crushes on at the time. Becky dated Mike in high school for a brief moment and I distinctly remember him being the topic of one of our trampoline talks. Who could have known, but the Lord, the plans He had of bringing them back together 12 years later. I love that!

I also loved seeing her so completely beautiful. I've heard people say that a woman will rarely look more beautiful than she does on her wedding day. She was stunning. We're talking magazine bride x10. At one point while taking pictures before the wedding we were all silenced as she stood in the shadows of an old church. She was breath taking. If she ever looks more beautiful than that moment it will be SICKENING!

As the doors opened for her grand entry I saw her face, burning red. She was losing it before everyone even stood to welcome her. Upon seeing her and the sweet uncontrollable release of all the emotion she had withheld, I too sobbed with my sister. There were few dry eyes in the church. And though we laughed about it, I'm positive I would have done the same were I her. I think of what my response will be when we, the Bride of Christ, will procede to our Groom, Jesus Christ himself, as that is indeed what the wedding ceremony is symbolic of. I imagine that her dear response walking down the aisle toward her love is a similar response that we will have walking towards our Love; so grateful, so overwhelmed with emotion, so glad the waiting is over.

I loved the proud father getting his line "Her mother and I do" right and standing proudly forgetting to give his daughter's hand to his soon to be son.

I adored the view I had. I know what Becky's face looked like in her vows to Mike, I've seen her face for 15 years, I could imagine. But I was looking straight at Mike. I saw the excitement, sincerity, happiness, and love in his eyes. I loved watching him make covenant promises to my sister that through God's grace he will uphold. I loved seeing him get choked up saying he would be her husband. It brought to tears to my eyes but comforted my heart to know that I was placing my dearest friend in the world in the hands of a man that is so honored to call himself her husband.

 I laughed with the Best Man giving the pastor the box instead of just the ring.

I blushed when Becky, the girl who doesn't like attention, made out with her husband for the first time as Mrs. Crowell. I mean, there is something to be said about a woman who's proudly waited 29 years. HELLO!

I honored signing the marriage license as a witness to their union though the bride and groom forgot to sign them at all.

Sitting in the limo warming up, as the sun was going down, waiting for the newly married couple to finish up a few pictures I watched as they snuggled and posed against a tree near the river by the big gazebo. Completely perfect.

I treasured being bitterness free! Y'all know as a single lady there could be a tendancy even in the happiest of moments to feel the twinge of jealously, to be bitter, to ask why not me. But I tell you in all truth, I was completely elated for and with her. I wanted to celebrate like it was going out of style, because how often does your best friend get married! So I twirled my way into the reception hall and danced all night for the joy of my sister marrying her best friend.

I appreciated Mike's every hug and calling me his sister as it was reassurance for me that I wasn't being replaced but that we were growing.

I love that I didn't cry a drop during my speech because the microphone was shoved in my face and I had no time to get emotional.

And I enjoyed worshipping side by side Mr. and Mrs. Mike Crowell on Sunday morning as they began their marriage going to the very church I invited Becky to 15 years ago. 

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