hmmm.... how do I say this? Have you ever wanted something so badly you could taste it? I mean, you've wanted this thing for a long time and tried your hand at grasping it every way but always came up short. Ya, me too. With what you ask? Well, with my weight. EEEKKKK! I shrink back and want to delete this just typing that, knowing that your eyes will read it.
So I tread cautiously on this water for fear of humiliation. But here's the truth, my body isn't hiding the fact that I'm overweight, it's out there everyday for the world to see. I suppose it's just difficult to say the words. To acknowledge my lack of self control. To admit that there is a problem. But I'm thinking.... maybe there's hope in this public acknowledgement. Maybe there's encouragement to be had. So.... what did I go and do?
I started another blog so you could follow along on my journey with me of course. I know some of you may be like what the what, this girl is blogging out of control. You may be right. But I know others will think this is completely expected, far more exposed then they would care to be but expected by me the alleged open book.
I'm gonna to go ahead and own that title with the start of this new blog if you don't mind. There's not much I keep hidden, which may be wrong or right but not the point of discussion. My struggle with weight is surely one of those things I keep hidden, specifically to those who don't know me, you know those of you around the globe that I've never met, that pop in every now and again (thanks so much btw, hope you are well).
Remember when I told you about Joel 2:25. Well, this is apart of that restoration. The new site is called My Delight Is In Her located at From Azubah To Hephzibah. Meaning I will no longer forsake myself but I will delight in me the way He delights in me, which means the freedom to truly pursue this goal I've wanted for so long.
So join me, check in, encourage, hold me accountable. See ya at the new site!
So do you remember just 2 paragraphs above when I told you to remember when I told you about Joel 2:25? Well as I went looking to link up I realized I never told y'all about Joel 2:25. So here's the short of it. When I went on my church's retreat I sensed very clearly the Lord leading me to read Joel 2:25 (I was in the midst of a very difficult time forgiving a person from the past (that ghost I never told you about either).) I was completely comforted by those words, "I will restore the years the locust have eaten." As though the Lord was saying I'm beginning a work of complete restoration in you. It was a really sweet time and I have treasured those words since.
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