
Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Note To You and The Roaring 20's

Tonight I write from the sweet spot of my bed in pj's I haven't worn in years cause I forget about them. Today, because clothing options were low they emerged to the top. They are sassy and fun enough that I want to wake up in them on my 29th birthday.

In a few short hours it will be my birthday. Nothing will change in the world. People will get up, go to work, and continue on with their routines. I will too. Yet tonight, in my sassy pants, I feel like I'm on the precipice of something gigantic. A good gigantic. Like I'm at the peak of a roller coaster that's been building and all fun is about to break lose. It may be the sugar from all the dough I snuck bites of  talking or I may just be on to something.

Midnight marks the first day of the last year of my twenties. This is a thrilling time. The twenties have held soooo much life in them. And at this moment in time (though it does change regularly) I anticipate with joy, what the 30's will hold. I can't just let my twenties go without giving them a proper farewell though.

So, I was thinking, what if we made a list of the things we love about our twenties! The Roaring 20's if you will. Post in the comment box or on my facebook page and I'll compile the best and some of my own onto a Roaring 20's page. And we can celebrate the life of our 20's before going into the Great Depression of our 30's. :) Just kidding! But wouldn't that be fun!

You can tell us, if you're younger, what you anticipate about your 20's (and we'll laugh at you). If you're older tell us what you loved about your 20's (and we'll cry with you). And if you're living in the midst of them this very moment tell us what you love about them (and we'll nod our heads in agreement with you). Married single, mother, childless, man, woman share away. This could be fun aye?


Renee Badenoch said...

I remember the first time I heard the phrase "Quarter Life Crisis". It was used to describe recent college graduates who a.) Can't find a job b.) Move back in with their parents. and c.) wonder what is going on with their lives. I thought the phrase was ridiculous, "Stupid Americans!" I thought. "That's not a REAL crisis, that's just... a temporary inconvenience."

Now, I add the word "existential" before "crisis" and I think that's what I'm having, a quarter life existential crisis! a, b, and c, all apply to me, and that wondering what is going on with my life is prevalent at all points of my day, almost no matter what I'm doing. Scary to think that things don't get easier from here!

Renee Badenoch said...

Now for what I like about being in my twenties:


Last year I went to Korea and it felt like I was living someone else's life. I never knew that I could be someone who was having an adventure, and every day I woke up in the middle of one. It was wonderful, surreal.

The week I got back from Korea, I went to the Oregon Coast, then the next week to spend a week in Chicago. Later that summer I traveled to New York for the first time, and flirted with the city for five days, leaving with a promise to come back as soon as I was able.

It's nice for me right now not to have so many commitments that I can still travel when I want to, and I hope that in my future years I'll be able to go a lot more places while I'm still able.