
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday Things

Blogger still hasn't fixed their site to include spell check. We'll see if I care enough to go back and correct mistakes.

1. I'm currently listening to Whitney Houston playlist on Spotify because I'm missing the Whitney Houston tribute concert at the park. I feel pretty sorry for myself, except for the fact that I didn't even know it was happening until like 5 hours ago. So...

2. I ran in The Color Run! I mean like I jogged in the beginning for .5 miles and then really ran the last .5 miles. Like hurdeling someone who was rolling on the ground in yellow, dodging people and trees, running on sidewalks. I couldn't stop my legs when I saw the finish line. I bolted and it was the best feeling ever! Who the what am I?!

3. Things just recently fell into place to move A--GAIN. So, I move next weekend! What the what?! Brilliant idea. Pack and move in one of the busiest times of the year for me. When else would I do it? Why not get overwhelmed with everything all at once and then be settled. We'll see if this is bad logic. I already have an inkling. (I could really use spell check for that word.)

4. A moment of brutal honesty: 1) I shop at Walmart. And I like it. I even sometimes buy grocieries there because it's so convient to get everything I need in one spot. One of my favorite shirts is from Walmart. Scandelous I know. 2) I love McDonalds. I've tried to deny it but I'm just tired of that. My fave meal, the classic: cheeseburger with fries and a diet coke. It is maybe one of my absolute favorite things in the world. In fact I took a picture of a McDonalds bag when in Boston returning from London. I deleted it because I was embarassed of how happy I was to have McD's. 3) I also really like White Castles. I can't even begin to explain it, it just is what is. 4) We've talked about my love for Quick Trip. Originally it was for cheap gas and pellet ice. But let me just tell you QT has some mad game. If you haven't had a slice of cheesecake from there you must! I've only had it once in my life because A slice was 800 calories.... so not super healthy but TOTALLY delish.  5) I reuse ziploc bags. * It feels really good to confess all that.

5. I've made my bedtime 9pm because I like to get up at 5am well rested. This plan won't work on Monday's because of a bible study that doesn't get over until after 9, Tuesdays because of a late night show, Wednesdays because of small group that ends at 9, or Fridays because who goes to bed at 9 on Fridays? The plan works brilliantly on Thursdays.

6. I'm still in mourning over the Olympics. I'm so grateful though for friends who send me pictures of gorgeous athletes.
*** I really tried looking for a good picture to put here but the only great ones I found were from sites with domain names involving sexy olympic men. How true degrading.*** 

7. I went to the library and found a hilariously inappropriate book called Haiku for the Single Girl. Some poems were hilarious, others too raunchy, and still others that were a little to close to home that they hurt a little bit.

I feel its approach,
Inevitable as death:
Internet dating.
8. I may or may not be on the lookout for colored jeans. I hate it when I break my own fashion rules but I just can't stop imagining myself in a pair. I'm thinking green, although that may draw out my green undertones and make me look ogorish. It really happens and it's really not pretty.

9. Until I get those jeans I pretty much only want to live in sweat pants these days. I don't know what happened. Except that I do. And let me tell you this phase gets ugly. It comes with a cold, no interest in folding laundry or cleaning, or showering for that matter. It happens to me throughout the year, when I really have to convince myself that it's good to get clothes out of the closet rather than out of the hamper. Oh lazy phases.

10. I think the entire world is giving birth from the month of Decemeber to February. I however am not. I read of a group who is getting together to ban baby pictures on Facebook. Ummm... I'm not apart of the legitimate baby hating group, however all the status updates about the progress of babys is about to drive me mad. I can't eat a plum without thinking Peggypregger's baby is about this size.

11. In 4 months I'll not be able to say I'm in my twenties anymore. I'm not sure how to feel about this just yet. I already round up because I feel like words of a 30 year old are a bit more credible than words of a 29 year old. I mean what do they know, they're still in their twenties. I'm totally accidently an ageist. I really just realized this. Anywho, it's one thing to fake 30 for street cred. and another thing to legitimately be 30 and single with no prospects or children or a house or a nightly face washing routine.

12. I blame one of my students for the Justin Beiber playlist that is now on my spotify. I blame her for having me add to it everyday. I blame her that its stuck in my head. But I can't actually blame her when I listen to it at home... dang it Bieber.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Angie, you are hilarious. Love it.