This hair was meant to be touched. |
I work at a school for the severe and profoundly disabled. It's guaranteed that each day will be an adventure. It's a strong possibility I will come home with a new bruise, scratch, or hilarious story. I love it. Today, however was not one of those I love it days. Today was a day packed full of "What the whats" and the like. As I was beginning to play a game today I was grabbed by the hair, a good gripper if I might say myself, and completely silenced in fear. I heard in my mind the tinkling music that would be played in a scene like this in a movie, where things in an instant changed from fun loving to dangerous. As I lay, torso sprawled on the desk, I whispered, please let go as it was yanked harder. Feeling as though the skin I've come to love protecting my skull, nerves, and things might begin to tear at any moment I quietly asked the other person in the room nearby watching helplessly to press the button and call for support. Just as the intercom clicked off and I heard the steps of quick approaching feet my hair was released, I gathered my things, went back to the room I was originally working in and continued my task as though nothing had happened. I had other students to work with. But as the calm that had flooded me at first grab began to fade, and the reality of the situation that just occurred and the pain I just began to feel replaced it, the tears began to flow. I excused myself to the solitary restroom and balled.
I cried over the pain and the fear.
I cried over the job, that this is the norm.
And I cried over the students; some of them simply people who have strong emotions but lack a positive way to express it.
The day continued from there with all the craziness that can happen in a day here. It's just the norm and you move on. I once asked myself why everyone doesn't do this work. I think I'm beginning to understand that maybe this is a gift that the Lord has given me for this time. That somehow, by His grace, I'm able to go home after a day like today, put a flower bow in my hair to tame the now frizzed parts and keep stepping. I love this job, I love my students, I dearly love my coworkers, but man is it WILD!
On a lighter note:
BSF started tonight and besides my forgetfulness (we'll chalk it up to the hair pulling) it was a GREAT evening. It's gonna be such a good study. You should come!
I'm officially calling
The Pioneer Woman, The Midwest Martha Stewart. It's true, right! Maybe I'll shorten it to Midwest Martha.
I myself was called
Martha Stewart at school today. This was not the first time and in my little fantasy world, I'm beginning to believe I am. (Though in all honesty I am nowhere near her!)
I almost peed myself laughing tonight. Thanks Tommy.
My brother Lester has waited tables for Martha Stewart! She was fighting with her daughter, so the encounter was a bit awkward for him, but she tipped well. :)
Martha never seems to be one who isn't arguing. Know what I mean? She's brilliant in many ways but no one can be perfect. Her flaw, social situations. ;) And she better tip well! She's Martha Flippin' Stewart and she has class. I think I heard that was her motto, "I'm Martha Flippin' Stewart and I have class."
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