
Friday, May 18, 2012

You're Killin Me Smalls!

Yesterday I watched The Sandlot with the kids, far more profanity than I remember but classic none the less. F-o-r-ev-er, For-ev-er.

Do you ever feel like that? Slow motion? Sticky shoes? For-ev-er?

I have to be honest when I tell you these are the extremes I live in; either immediately or waiting for-ev-er. Tonight I found myself in the throws of an emotional melt down over waiting for-ev-er.

Sometimes God answers those prayers we have immediately. Other times I fear I am a resounding gong as I regularly bring my petitions to Him, day after day, week after week, month after month, and in some instances year after year.

Sometimes there is the answer of yes after these long suffering prayers. Sometimes no or maybe later. But sometimes, there is silence. A silence that can grip me so tightly it's tangible. A silence that speaks louder than the words I long to hear.

I feel, in these areas I'm praying over, that the silence can be a bit overwhelming. The unknown can be paralyzing, nauseating, confusing, and scary.

But what I'm also learning is sometimes in that silence is something better than His words. It's His presence. The awareness that He is near. He notices my distress and sees my brokenness. He recognizes my desperation and meets me where I am, not to whisper words I long for, but to bring comfort because waiting is hard work.

There are few things that last for-ev-er. This season of waiting will not, but The One leading me through this season will. I need not worry myself with the fear that any time will last for-ev-er. I rather, trust that He is in the business of answering and responding in tangible real ways. And when He does, He will hasten it and FOR-EV-ER will be no more.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Yes, dear sister...waiting is hard work. And we do wait in His Presence. The One who loves us more than anything is the One we sit with..A little overwhelming but it works for me! Love you!