
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can Are

Today I saw a little boy crossing the street. He struck me in his red and blue striped shirt with blue cargo shorts and his little chest puffed out to the on coming traffic. I was struck the same way when I got to meet this beautiful little girl, Julianna, who is just 1 year old. She had the sweetest haircut that I wish I myself could pull off accompanied by the sweetest little features on her round face.

The boy with his "broad" chest wasn't overcome by the thoughts of I can't _________ (fill in the blank). This sweet little girl wasn't completely consumed with thoughts of  Am I pretty. Both, with his proud stance and her round eyes can and are.

My heart ached a little bit for them. For him and his future of potentially feeling inadequate and questioning his abilities. For her, the future of possibly questioning her beauty and under estimating her worth.

Today my heart was sad for Adam, Eve, and for us. Sad that sin seemed to be the more appealing thing, the more affirming thing, the more valuable thing so long ago and today. Sad that they and we struggle with such identity crisis when our true identity is found in Christ alone. Oh, how they were so wrong. Oh, how we were so wrong. Oh, how I was so wrong.

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