
Monday, May 2, 2011

10 Years Later

In 4 months and 10 days it will be September 11, 2011, 10 years after the tragedy that struck New York, DC, America. Today, Osama Bin Laden was killed, announced officially dead by President Obama.

I imagine the memorial of 9/11 will have a much different feel this year. A sense of some sort of punishment served, justice prevailed. Tonight we celebrate. There are people dancing in the streets, shouting American anthems, rejoicing in the victory of the moment. There is joy to be had at the death of one who indeed brought so much death.

I myself, am conflicted. I rejoice, not with dancing in the streets, but with a smile, a deep sense of gratitude to my God and to those who did the act that I myself never could. But I also mourn. I think of the lives that were lost on 9/11 and since then through war. Bin Laden's death doesn't make up for their's. It doesn't some how make everything right again. And I'm confident, where ever the souls of those slain lay, they no longer care about Bin Laden. I'm sure there is rejoicing in heaven, but of a different kind. A rejoicing that God again proves that evil will not win the day. Not a rejoicing that a sinful and unrepentant man received his reward of death.

My soul aches with the thought that he has led so many astray. Many that will now, in retaliation, scheme, plot, and attack those of whom they hate. My soul aches with the thought that many Americans will no longer see their need for God. When there are times of victory our hearts turn from the true Victor. The combination in lethal. May God have mercy.

So tonight, as I lay my head down for bed, I pray that we not have a false sense of security but that we would rest in the Sovereign hand of God. I pray that I would not be glad in the death of an evil man, but that I would be glad in the death of the evil practices of that one man. I pray that my American pride would not overshadow my call to love those that despise me, my religion, or my country. And I pray that just as we turned to God in times of severe duress, that we again would Trust In God and give Him the honor He deserves.

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