
Friday, May 20, 2011

Dancing In The Streets

Today driving to work I noticed the elegance and balance it takes to drive down the highway between these little lines we call lanes. Today, maybe it was the shining sun or the beautiful breeze but I was feeling whimsical. As I watched these cars float by me I just thought about how much this driving thing is like a dance. There are some people who know what they're doing in their dance shoes, others who are totally uncomfortable. There are some who keep beat, those who are a little spastic zipping and racing around the floor, and those that are slow and off beat. There are times when toes get stepped on or bums get bumped and cause a jam but the dance goes on.
Just my little thoughts from my pleasant dance to work this morning.

But for real, I'd like to go dancing sometime soon (cough, cough, this weekend). A little rump shaking, a little fox trot, a little ball change, maybe some salsa, and a lot of fun.

What are your plans for
the weekend?
Any dancing involved?
Cause you know...

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