
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

mason jar magic

I love fireworks. When asked what my favorite holiday is I'm prone to say 4th of July or New Years Eve simply because of my deep seeded love for a sky lit up in brilliant colors. I love the magic of it.

There are certain things I love about this little space of mine in Town and Country. I love that on any given night I can star gaze and get a pretty good view. And on a night like tonight I can sit in my backyard and watch fireflies dance around the woods. It'squite magical. Little living twinkle stars hanging out in the woods putting on a show for a willing audience of one. Pretty great.

You should know, simply because I laugh to myself about it from time to time, I went to gaze at these guys with a mason jar in hand. Hoping maybe to catch a few but I was quite paralyzed in amazement of all of them filling the woods. So one time a friend of mine was telling the story of he and his wife waking, while camping, to the magical scene of horses galloping in a field filled with fireflies in the middle of the night. That sounds amazing right? I thought so to but all I could blurt out was "MASON JAR!"  That's all I said. Just mason jar. Not, oh I love collecting fireflies in mason jars. Or wow, you know what I would have done... Just mason jar.

So tonight I laughed at myself. Alone. Outside. Firefly gazing. With mason jar in hand. One of my favorite pastimes.

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