After not making much of anything for awhile a friend asked me if there was anything I could do with her argyle socks. This is what happened. Not too shabby for socks. It sure was fun crafting again.
What else could give me this smile in my car but a stop to QT for an Iced Coffee/Frappicino! I'll have you know this was after going to a different QT and finding their machine broken. Desperate times call for desperate measures people.
Can you even stand those faces! Oh I love them. Very glad for reasons to go see them during the week.
Life with these girls is pretty fantistico! It is guaranteed when we are together, good convo will be had over good food. Love that summer allows for impromptu taco nights, Fro Yo, and delicious Kenyan meals with City Lights folk!
True story: I have allowed people to believe both of these boys were my children at one point in their lives. Wouldn't you? How sweet are they! Thank you house church for producing such beautiful children that I get to love on!
xoxo my new friend Meatball.
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