
Monday, June 25, 2012


I have been BLESSED with some amazing friends. And not only are these friends amazing they are also beautiful, caring, talented,  blah, blahblah, blahblah. I know I just blahblahed over wonderful attributes of these people but the list could really go on for a while!

So there are 3 people that I would like to SPOTLIGHT today.

(this is a baby. an actual human life in its just beginning stages. pretty amazing right?
Also, I refer to this little guy in male terms naturally. I'm not dropping hints at anything.)
So this little guy or girl is going to be quite the game changer. One of my besties is pregnant. She is already one of the gentelist, kindest, most even keeled people I know. I'm so excited to see the qualities that motherhood brings out in her. I can't even begin to imagine how awesome this litte babe is going to be. But I'm guessing between the sweetness of his mother, the creativity of his father, the adoration of his extended family, and the goofiness of his "aunt" he'll be pretty well rounded. Don't cha think!

Do you remember this post? Here's an amazing thing that I don't think I ever posted. All 3 of these people were healed. Pronounced cancer free. Pronounced free to keep living! WOW!!!! I remember the awe I felt as each got their clearence. One day they were fine. The next they had cancer. Months later cancer free. It's amazing to me the way God has designed our bodies. How they respond to things. How they themselves can be the attacker and yet also the agent that brings healing. This is a divine mystery to me. Those were fairly dark times for me. Watching these friends walk this road. Not knowing how to be a help or encouragement because I myself was wrestling spiritually. But I can say confidently the Lord met me there. He didn't answer all my questions of why. But He brought peace which is actually something I could understand better than His answers of "Why". So it is with saddness and yet much sureity that God loves and does good that I say the cancer has returned for one of these friends. Read her story here and be encouraged! She is one of the most beautiful people I know. Her blog address is Jenny O. loves Jesus. That is proven in her every word and response through this process. I know the sweet response she hears back is Jesus loves Jenny O.

Then there's a dear friend of mind who is RIDICULOUSLY encouraging. I mean she's one of those people that you'd be hard pressed to hear anything negative about anyone coming out of her mouth. She is also kind of brilliant. She'll never admit it herself because you know she's humble of course. But she challenges me to really think about things or why I believe certain things. She's pretty great. and guess what?! She's just started her own blog Unsilent Things. So now the world can read these wonderful thoughts of hers. Take a minute and check her out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet; you're quite encouraging yourself, ya know?! I could't agree more with your assessment of Unsilent Things...I am continually amazed and thankful! xox